Saturday, July 08, 2006

some people would say..
why give up the forest for a rose

if i were to answer that..
i would say..
the value of the rose is beyond that of the forest

something you cannot comprehend

what is that forest without this rose

integrate at 12:38 AM

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

was reading yesterday's the newpaper
came across an interesting article that caught my attention,4139,109430,00.html

the content of the article was about a fizzy fountain
fizzy fountain..?
what's that you may wonder
here it is

looks like a fountain doesn't it
here's the cache
the fountain you're seeing is actually bottles of exploding cokes

exploding cokes?
yes that's right
you read it
exploding COKE

so a dying question must be bugging your mind now
how do those Coke bottles explode into those geyser
shooting several metres into the air
you might not believe it but..
the chemical formula for this artistic phenomenon is achieve by adding..
Diet Coke + Mentos Sweets

there's a scientific research and study about this
got it from the website itself
so here you go to answer to quench that question of exploding cola

The Reason Behind It
These chemists are saying that the primary cause is physical, not chemical. Their explanation: nucleation sites. If you have a liquid that is supersaturated with gas (like soda, which is pumped full of carbon dioxide), a nucleation site is a place where the gas is able to form bubbles. Nucleation sites can be scratches on a surface or specks of dust – anywhere that you have a high surface area in a very small volume. That's where bubbles can form.Mentos seem to be loaded with nucleation sites. In other words, there are so many microscopic nooks and crannies on the surface of a Mento that an incredible number of bubbles will form when you drop it in a bottle of soda. Since the Mentos are also heavy enough to sink, they react with the soda all the way to the bottom. The escaping bubbles quickly turn into a raging foam, and the pressure builds dramatically. Before you know it, you've got a big geyser happening!

coutesy of

there's a video of this exploding cola fountain
and i reckon you to watch it
fun and interesting to watch
shall upload it in this entry
enjoy the visual delight !

cool huh
shall experiment it myself sometime soon
till then
adidos !

a snile that delights this soul

integrate at 11:43 PM

Sunday, July 02, 2006

you know..
people say the english invented the game
and the brazilians perfected the game

when i first came across that catchy line
thought it kindda make sense

but now..
it doesnt really matter does it
both the england and brazil teams are outta the world cup

what's going on ?

pondered the value of me in you

integrate at 11:45 PM